Monday, June 25, 2007

Modular Inspirations (pt 2)

This picture was taken from Its another DIY modular. This is more my style. I love the metal on metal look, and the kind of knobs that were used.

However, I don't like the flat paneled look.

Which leads me to the following post on matrixsynth. I think a mixture of the two, with a control interface/sequencer as part of the bottom row, and a modulation section as part of the second to bottom row would be awesome.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Modular Inspirations?

Well.... seems the group is moving towards a modular synth focus.
That's fine by me!! I wanted it that way in the first place anywho!!!

So, I found this post on Matrixsynth about a Swedish synth diy'er or perhaps he's just Euro. of some kind. Anyways, i downloaded an image of his rig & i'll try to post it here, w/any luck??

Needless to say he's definitely got the right idea in my books!!! This is pretty much what i'm after, just not quite on this grand a scale!! Basically i'm looking to do this; a modular of large & small modules & a mix of diy & company modules.

Go to Matrix & today's posts for more info.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Yesterday's Meetin'

Thought I'd post some minutes from the meeting. Me & Jason discussed:

- Future locations & date/time of our scheduled meetings.
We feel that ultimately Saturdays @ 12- 1 PM is most logical & conveniant for most people. Sorry to those that work @ this time :-(
As for the local??? Well... we probably could find somewhere better than The Grind? Maybe somewhere near a Skytrain station?? What do u think??

- Options for creating a bigger profile for this group/blog.
We will look into finding some alternatives to marketing & exposing the blog. Does anyone out their have any ideas to help out here??

- Gear discussion centered around The Fatman that J's building & how it's tweaked some interest in building some modules, in particular Ken Stones' CGS diy pcb's/modules. This option has me stoked for sure as i'd like to expand upon my modular gear!! In fact what i'd like to do is a group buy of some diy kits & build them together in this group. Who's with me?

- A new member came to the meeting aswell, his name is Rich.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Meeting Reminder.

Just a little reminder that tomorrow is Sat. June 9th, the 2nd Sat. of the month so it's meeting time again for those that can make it.

12 noon @ the Grind on Main st. etc. etc.

I'd like to discuss: Frac Rack modular building, Potential new meeting locations & times(??), & how best to increase our group numbers?? how about u?


Tuesday, June 5, 2007


A few changes to the blog. I worked around the color scheme a bit for one thing, and changed all the text to a sans serif font. Its a bit simpler this way, I find it. Pretty much the only extravagance on the page is that little picture of a synthesizer under all the links, which actually doubles as a post button (I noticed blogger doesn't have one embedded in their pages by default, so I added one. If it doesn't work for anyone let me know by email). I would also like to take this moment to invite everyone for comments or suggestions. The point of this message board is to act as a communication medium between meetings, and I would like to encourage everyone to use it, if only to engage more people to attend our next meeting.

Speaking of which, if I am not mistaken, the next meeting falls this coming Saturday. Noon at the Grind (unless anyone else has a suggestion for a new place). I am looking forward to it.