Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Come one come all!

Chris forgot to mention the event is happening from 1pm to 5pm


Moog$Fool$ said...

The event is on from 1pm to 5pm btw.

Also, participants are encouraged to bring a small amp like device for their own usage. There will be a PA their but having all of us playing through it doesn't make much sense.

Moog$Fool$ said...

The event is on from 1pm to 5pm btw.

Also, participants are encouraged to bring a small amp like device for their own usage. There will be a PA their but having all of us playing through it doesn't make much sense.

Chris Rooney said...


Moog$Fool$ said...

no worries Chris.

george said...

Nice poster......Might come take a lookie, but very busy @ the moment, so might not.
Do you guys know of the Vancouver Hackerspace?

They have a space to hardware/software hack in, they build Atari Punk consoles, so you might consider an invite to them.

George In Victoria

Moog$Fool$ said...

hello George.

good to hear from you. hope u can make it. there might actually be more than one Buchla at the meet too!

how are your builds coming?

i'm hoping word enough gets around for the meet that i don't have to send out invites.... not at all familiar with those folks at hackerspace.
