Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dante's Inferno done live by Chris Rooney and Public Disturbance


Moog$Fool$ said...

MAD MAN on the loose!!

fucking beautiful!

"what is it you are doing, may I ask??"

she cracked me up, along with the look of some of the apparently confused on-lookers.

that was total GODHEAD!!!

Chris Rooney said...


I'm playing a Little Boy Blue Noise synth through a collection of guitar pedals and I've got a tape recorder going into the signal path which is playing a recording of me reading from Dante's Inferno. I don't do this nearly as often as I would like to I need a buskers license so I can do it without worrying about getting ticketed because I'm sure it's bound to happen. I've had people try and pick fights with me before for busking like this.

Moog$Fool$ said...

a "buskers license" !??!??!???!


Chris Rooney said...

I can handle getting into arguments with normal people when I do this I just want to be able to do it without having to deal with the pigs