Monday, June 25, 2007

Modular Inspirations (pt 2)

This picture was taken from Its another DIY modular. This is more my style. I love the metal on metal look, and the kind of knobs that were used.

However, I don't like the flat paneled look.

Which leads me to the following post on matrixsynth. I think a mixture of the two, with a control interface/sequencer as part of the bottom row, and a modulation section as part of the second to bottom row would be awesome.


Moog$Fool$ said...

i couldn't agree w/you more!!!
i saw that Plan B thing the other day & thought it was close to perfect in design!

i wonder how well the new Wiard dual joystick/jag would fit into one of those lower rows u speak of???


Anonymous said...

I am thinking more of a finger controller along the lines of the persephone, and an LDR.

Moog$Fool$ said...


nice idea.


rpm said...

I was just skimming today the messages on the forum (too busy in these last months) and just wanted to add something to this one..
the persephone approach seems good, but I think the one it copied (the martenot) is far more expressive... and easier to implement.. you'll need a really good (and a long one or a bunch of small tightly matched) pressure transducer(s) for the ribbon controller..
I'm planning to use the martenot approach into my own work at ubc (more on this if you want at the next meeting)..
the LDR are ok if you want single activation... though you can arrange it as the expression key in both the ondes martenot or persephone, I'd like the idea of using pressure sensors instead (FSR).. it would allow implementing something like poliphonic aftertouch with various control levels for each sensor... it could be a combination of both the persephone but with individual pressure switches and a ring/string for bending or modifying any other filter parameter..
just my grain of salt in this..

Anonymous said...

Quite the grain of salt that was! Good input to say the least. Darren and I talked in length about the persephone at the meeting that we held today. I am not concerned so much with the physics of it so much as the execution. I will look into the martenot. Thanks :)

rpm said...

argh!... so sorry I couldn't make it to the meeting...
we went to a hiking trip and our car had some problems (to say the least) and instead of returning on friday night we end up staying till sunday...
I'll avoid anything on the vicinity of next meeting to make sure I'll be there.. there are some good stuffs cooking here..